Product Details
Includes: Krush Rubber Wattle
The wattle is placed around the pile with 12" overlap where wattles end to ensure complete coverage
Can be used in series.
Mods Available: Custom Printing
Includes: Mono Rubber Wattle
Much like the Krush Rubber Wattles, the Mono Rubber Wattle is placed around the pile.
Mods Available: Diatmeters 11" XL or 9" Standard
Includes: Recycled Rubber Sock
When you just need to get something down now, the Recycled Rubber Sock is quick deployment and will keep your site in compliance.
Mods Available: Available in any* size
Includes: Inlet Protector Rubber Wattle
Rubber wattle is placed around stockpile with overlap at seams (see local regulations) and this rubber wattle will last and last...
Mods Available: Permeable/non-permeable RMUs