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Mono Rubber Wattles

The Mono Rubber Wattle comes in a 9" or 11" diameter and of course equipped with heavy duty handles. The Monofilament Geotextile is durable and cost effective. Our XL wattle is a real behemoth that comes in 8’ & 10' standard lengths that weighs 12lbs/LF, much heavier than our other wattles. When you need a heavy BMP that is cost effective, this is the only solution.
Woven Monofilament Geo-textile
Large - Heavy Duty Handles
Customizable Print
Velcro/Sewn/Tied End
Inlet Protection
Stockpile Management
Curb Inlet Protection
Sediment & Erosion Control
Easy Maintenance
Extremely Durable
Made With Recycled Rubber
All Purpose BMP
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