Rubberosion began with a vision; to find a solution to Colorado's ever growing scrap tire problem. With over 60 million scrap tires, and very few new markets emerging for tire derived products, RubbErosion has created a sustainable path for 100,000's of scrap tires to be used and disposed of properly. Waste tires are difficult and costly to manage and process. The accumulation of waste tires is hazardous to human health and the environment.

Waste tire dump sites are vector incubators for West Nile, Yellow Fever, Zika and potentially other diseases. Waste tire fires are sources of air pollution, threats to people with respiratory problems, producers of high levels of CO2 and other pollutants, and can be catalysts for larger and destructive wildfires. By managing and processing waste tires properly, we can dramatically reduce these environmental risks while utilizing recycled raw materials such as waste tires, that are far superior to traditional or virgin raw materials.
The added engineering and characteristics of recycled waste tire rubber allows Rubberosion to develop and manufacture high quality control measure that prevent pollutants from entering our natural waterways , while utilizing a high volume of recycled content.

Our passion is to complete the recycling triangle by reusing, reducing, and recycling, while at the same time being passionate about the business triangle of quality, service and economics. Rubberosion’s commitment to the environment is to turn an environmental problem into an environmental solution.